Pain is the discomfort we feel in the body that signals to us that something is wrong. It may present as stabbing, burning, throbbing, or aching and can be categorized as either acute or chronic. Acute pain is usually severe but lasts for a short amount of time, like a burn or scrape. It lets us know that we have sustained an injury. Chronic pain can range in its intensity but it occurs over long periods of time. Sufferers of chronic pain may experience additional symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, and drowsiness as well as emotional effects such as anger, irritability, mood swings, and depression. As time wears on, It can become a truly debilitating condition, and it is no surprise that many people are seeking relief in the form of CBD from Hemp.

Pain relief is in fact one of the top reported reasons why people try CBD. Taken orally, topically, or in a combined fashion, many users report significant relief. A recent article in the International Journal of Spine Surgery explored the prevalence of CBD use in patients seeking evaluation for spine-related pain through the use of self-reported surveys. The survey sought to investigate if and how CBD was used and if any beneficial or adverse effects were reported.

The investigators found that of the survey respondents, 25% reported some form of CBD use. Of these, the majority of use was reported for back pain, neck pain, and other potential improvements such as sleep (67%, 37%, and 26% respectively). The results were significant, with nearly half of the CBD users (46%) reporting pain relief, a third reporting improved sleep, and 20% reporting reduced anxiety. Additionally, they found that 63% of CBD users would recommend CBD to a friend1.

While there are several animal studies that lend promise to CBD’s effectiveness against the inflammation and neuropathic aspects of pain, we may have to wait for definitive answers about exact mechanisms and optimal dosing for humans. For now, anonymous, self-reported survey studies such as this serve as important preliminary investigations into the nature of CBD effectiveness for pain relief. Findings such as these support the need for further research, specifically, rigorous clinical and well-designed randomized trials to examine the effectiveness of CBD for pain thoroughly.

If pain, spinal or otherwise, has become a part of your daily life, consult your doctor and consider a daily regimen of high-quality hemp-derived CBD. Whether it is our Full Spectrum Lotion, Menthol Roll-On, a tincture, or our gel cap option, all Sycamore BioPharma products offer you a potent, thoroughly tested, affordable source of CBD that is always formulated to the highest standards.

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  1. Lovecchio F, Langhans MT, Bennett T, Steinhaus M, Premkumar A, Cunningham M, Farmer J, Albert T, Huang R, Katsuura Y, Qureshi S, Schwab F, Sandhu H, Kim HJ, Lafage V, Iyer S. Prevalence of Cannabidiol Use in Patients With Spine Complaints: Results of an Anonymous Survey. Int J Spine Surg. 2021 Aug;15(4):663-668. doi: 10.14444/8087. Epub 2021 Jul 20. PMID: 34285125.
  2. Dellwo A. Primary and secondary chronic pain classifications [Internet]. Zanartu C, medical reviewer. Verywell Health. 2021 [cited 2021Aug8].
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